Tech IndustryNov 16, 2019

Does any company pay more than Snap?

Sometimes I get invitations from headhunters, they try to refer me to some ML positions in Finance/Hedge funds and say that such companies will pay more than Snap. I tried to talk to a few companies out of curiosity and all recruiters’ claims about “higher TC” turned out to be false - nobody seems to pay more (based on my prev exp) Still I continue to get such invitations and decided to ask blind do you know any company that will pay significantly more (30+%) for SE in ML? Any stealth ones? Area: Senior SE, ML TC 600-700

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Juniper 5'1"Indian Nov 16, 2019

How much do L7 TPM make approx?

Snapchat whilly OP Nov 16, 2019

donno, maybe 1-1.2 mln

Facebook lovethez Nov 16, 2019

TPMs make much much less.

Oracle ohohohhh Nov 16, 2019

Snap pays that much? What’s your YOE?

Snapchat whilly OP Nov 16, 2019

yeah, snap pays top of the market probably (for tech roles) regardless of your yoe and competition for offers (tech) is really strong now, you won’t surprise anybody with your Top Uni CS background or previous work in google/fb

Facebook yGiU62 Nov 16, 2019

What level?

Amazon ⊂(◉‿◉)つ Nov 16, 2019

I think you are on the top of the range.

Snapchat whilly OP Nov 16, 2019

yeah, I also think so, I just was wondering if recruiters or blind know more it is always good to listen to smart people

Facebook Almostdone Nov 16, 2019

What’s SE stand for?

Snapchat whilly OP Nov 16, 2019

software engineer

Facebook lovethez Nov 16, 2019

Sales engineer. SWE is software engineer.

Roku cultural Nov 16, 2019

I would imagine that hedge funds pay this only after you’ve been there for 3-4+ years

Snapchat whilly OP Nov 16, 2019

sad ;(

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Snapchat whilly OP Nov 16, 2019

“any” lol not likely, it will be still 400-450TC

Amazon rand0miz3d Nov 16, 2019

based on this, I assume your TC includes 200 (base) + 400-500 (RSU at current price). This means you were lucky when you joined last year when the share was about 6-7. This is just stock appreciation. New snap hires wouldn't be making this much for the same level. your original TC should be about 400. This is a fair value for a senior nowadays. I don't even need to name who could pay a senior this much. Tldr; enjoy your stock appreciation and brag about the high TC! P.S. when the cliff hits you, good luck on finding a 30% bump from the current "TC"

Neurocrine try-catch Nov 16, 2019

What education/skills/work ex is required to become an ml swe?

Snapchat whilly OP Nov 16, 2019

same as for SE + prev ML experience mostly (one person does end-to-end ML system and push this to production)

Neurocrine try-catch Nov 16, 2019

Thanks. Dmed you.

Credit Karma ckgogo Nov 16, 2019

Are you including stock appreciation in your TC?

Snapchat whilly OP Nov 16, 2019

I include RSU, yes who doesn’t?

Credit Karma ckgogo Nov 16, 2019

Most people who communicate comp on blind will not include stock appreciation if they know what they’re doing. RSU and stock appreciation are two different things. Remove the stock appreciation and then it’s a fair estimate of how much SNAP actually paid you. Now it’s perfectly fair to say “I’m not leaving SNAP because of stock appreciation”, which is a million times more accurate than “hedge funds can’t beat SNAP on pay”

Google OlLt22 Nov 16, 2019

Finance is one thing. Look up threads on quant, it gets pretty crazy. As far as SWE at finance, I wouldn't be surprised if prop shop SWE and Snapchat are roughly comparable. Snapchat does have a reputation for being very high paying. Within the valley, it's usually a trade-off of how cool/satisfying/ego-gratifying/meaningful the work is vs. the TC. NASA-SpaceX-Waymo-Google-FB-Netflix-Snapchat This is basically a PR curve (except it's prestige and remuneration!).

Snapchat deleteblin Nov 17, 2019

When did you join snap OP? And at what level? What was the initial grant?