Tech IndustryJan 17, 2020

Does one learn more about a cloud

working in a company that uses AWS/Azure/etc or working in the cloud service itself?

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LinkedIn QVbb83 Jan 17, 2020

Look up ☁️

Amazon bezos97 Jan 17, 2020

Yes and no. As an outsider you learn more about technology that best fit your use case and you could master multiple technologies at once. Being in AWS, I feel I know more about AWS than what else is out there.

Microsoft CloudSmith Jan 17, 2020

Our customers know more than us PMs here. As a PM or Dev in any cloud service provider, you'll be siloed but at a similar role at a customer company, you'll be exposed to a wide variety of services.

Amazon _Hokage_ Jan 17, 2020

If you’re actually using the service you would know more. A typical platform running on aws would be ec2/ lambda, cloudformation, s3 & dynamodb, codedeploy. If you’re working in AWS, you’re gonna be working in 1 slice of 1 service

Amazon m0c Jan 17, 2020

No, not necessarily. There are a ton of orgs (there are 20k+ of us in these orgs) in AWS that exposes you to all sorts of services and customers that don't only silo you into 1 slice of 1 service.