CompensationMar 8, 2019

Evaluate SWEII offer?

Offer: Pittsburgh 160k base 15% bonus Equity worth 500k if company ipos at 8B. (7.5k units) Current TC ~220k Pittsburgh 155k 90k signing 125 rsus over 4 years. YOE: 3.5

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LinkedIn tendies Mar 8, 2019

What was their interview process like?

Amazon axyxyyzyz OP Mar 8, 2019

Pretty easy tbh. 2 system design. 2 algo. LC easy-medium, 1 exp/behavior.

Visa FoffBoy Mar 8, 2019

their timeline is some balls -2016 founded with 3 employees -2017 1 billion investment from ford

Apple Dr. Xi Mar 8, 2019

I know that is not stable from project perspective. I have heard they cancel projects even new projects get canceled. Can you share the design questions?

Amazon axyxyyzyz OP Mar 8, 2019

Pm me.