Tech IndustryApr 5, 2018

FAANG interviews not going well

Hi all. I had a question regarding interviews at some of the big developer shops here in the Bay Area. I've interviewed in the last six months (final round) with Facebook, Amazon, Linked-In and Google. They all ended up declining for the exact same reason, I'm bad at doing algorithm puzzles on a whiteboard. It definitely didn't help that I went to a crappy college and have had to learn computer science pretty much solo. My situation is that I have about 12 years professional experience and I'm currently a team-lead / senior developer. I can definitely do the job, it's just hard to prove it when asked to write an algorithm to rotate a tree 90 degrees. I'm sitting there going "do you really write your own tree rotation implementations?" Or something else along the lines of "implement a regex parser using recursion". Am I basically screwed in ever having a chance to get in if I can't do the whole "just graduated with a CS degree" algorithm dance? I totally get it that it's the best way lately to measure the candidates IQ, it just seems to heavily favor new grads. I guess I can just keep hitting sites like leetcode and hackerrank. It just always seems somewhat random with so many types of problems to solve. Any advice?

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