Tech IndustryApr 27, 2018

FB engineer video conf interview - leetcode hard

Since I am from a different country all my interviews are happening via video conferences with ppl from HQ. In one of the interviews, the interviewer gave me a leetcode medium question and asked if I already knew that question. I knew the perfect o(n) time and o(1) space solution but I was honest and said yes. So he gave me a leetcode hard question. I gave the overall solution and approach within 5 mins but it took the entire 30-35 mins to complete the coding as I had some brain farts. He also helped me with some of the corner cases. Since there was no time to move on to a 2nd question should I consider this round to be on the negative side? Or will I get some honesty points :)

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Skawar Apr 27, 2018

I guess no honesty points, I had similar experience where I honestly told I knew the question then he changed to hard problem and completed but no time for second one. Result was a reject but don’t know in your case.

HPE bahkutteh OP Apr 27, 2018

The other 3 interviews went good. So maybe I still have hope.

Intuit SfvI31 Apr 27, 2018

There is no point being honest!

HPE bahkutteh OP Apr 27, 2018

I couldn't lie when he directly asked me if I knew the problem.

Intuit SfvI31 Apr 27, 2018

Its your personal call and I respect that fact. But, you were preparing leetcode questions so you know a lot of them. What’s the point of saying that you have already seen this question give me another one. Screw them! Get the job and rock it with your practical knowledge not leetcode knowledge :)

Snapchat OhSnapped Apr 27, 2018

Lol honest... Really silly. No hire.

Facebook tech4good Apr 27, 2018

I wouldn't worry too much. Interviewers will give between 1-3 questions (1 difficult or 2 medium or 2 easy/1 medium). Plus, they can usually tell pretty easily if you were familiar with the question, so I think you did the right thing. Good luck!

Facebook osjelxqi Apr 27, 2018

You did the right thing, don't worry about it.

$#$ Apr 27, 2018

Facebook normally expects perfect solution without a glitch.