Misc.Mar 13, 2019

FB outage impact on revenue

Any ideas on how much this outage cost them? Do they have good measurements of the revenue loss?

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Shutterstock kudabobb Mar 13, 2019

About tree fiddy

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TC++ Mar 13, 2019

Huh? Did you mean the longer FB is down the less ads everyone will see?

TC++ Mar 13, 2019

Aren't impressions already optimized for maximum?

Cruise Automation jefeb Mar 14, 2019

Heard a friend say before that news feed generates about 80k/minute. You can do the math... (multiply by three different services also). Although not all of each service is down

Gabbie Mar 14, 2019

How come the outage was so big that it took hours to resolve ? What messed up that could not be fixed quickly?

Facebook WildGoose Mar 14, 2019

Do we have good measurement of our revenue? What kind of question is that? How long did it take you to come up with it? No we dont count our revenue. Once the company makes over a bil a year you can essentially shutdown all you data pipelines, sit back and relax. No need to count and there is a risk to overflow ints.