Tech IndustryJan 4, 2020

FB system design questions (product)

Would any recent interviewees like to share what type of system design questions were asked at FB system design (product) interviews? This is my first interview after a 5-6 years. I've researched and prepared all the usual online materials like donnemartin, educative etc. Would like to practice some more questions specific to FB Much appreciated your 0.02.

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Credit Karma hMDU81 Jan 4, 2020

Design messenger, feed, instagram, etc. Just think about “web scale” products that the company has, and think about the challenges of components of those systems.

Oath gxyeuv Jan 4, 2020


Akamai Technologies aloh@ Jan 4, 2020

I would say standard ones on the internet, just that you can't stop talking.. you have to be going on & on. I think that's where I lost.

Akamai Technologies aloh@ Feb 7, 2020

I don't know but frankly all they are gonna ask is in Grokking the System Design Interview

Akamai Technologies aloh@ Feb 7, 2020

I mean to say if asked to design Instagram for example, just be prepared to talk continuously (relevant & technical) for 45mins. 2 coding rounds - mostly straight fwd (leetcode). 1 behavioral - talk about most positive & negative work incidents. Trying to assess your cultural fit. 1 design - Grokking the System Design Interview.. will sufficient