Tech IndustryFeb 11, 2020
Samba TVsUEd12

Facebook and Twitter ml interviews

Guys I have machine learning interviews with Facebook and Twitter in the few days. The fb recruiter told me that it takes about 2 weeks to o prepare, I was wondering what you guys think about preparations? It seems like #leetcode is the way to go, however, does anyone have ideas for preparations? It would be really helpful to get a sense of amount of prep required. I have cleared Intel software engineer

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Intel Feetcode Feb 11, 2020

I don't see any ML problems on leetcode but I heard kaggle is where it's at for ML. Can someone tell us what a typical ML interview is about? Do you need to talk about the algorithms that generate a model or do the interviewers ask you about your what decisions you would make to generate a model from the given datasets. I played with ML a bit, I found it fascinating in terms of the algorithms but extremely boring when looking at datasets and such.