Tech IndustryJan 13, 2020

Facebook phone interview REJECT 🥺

Like wtf? It was for E4 role. We had 30 minutes for the coding task. I solved the question using 3 approaches n2 time -> n time n space -> n time And yet they rejected me!

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MongoDB hakanaka Jan 13, 2020

Fuck em

Oracle pzd Jan 13, 2020

You coded up all three approaches within 30 minutes? Are you sure there were no bug? Did you handle all the edge cases?

Microsoft yegeme OP Jan 13, 2020

Yes! It is a medium question on leetcode with high frequency.

Microsoft yegeme OP Jan 13, 2020

Two issues I can see are: 1. In the most optimal code, I did if check and inside if while check do something. The if was redundant. 2. For the second approach after coding up, the code failed for one of the test scenario which I said it would pass. Then the interviewer reiterated that it won’t actually pass.

Hotwire Qwwq12 Jan 13, 2020

What was the question if you don’t mind?

DoorDash 05154040 Jan 13, 2020

You solved only 1 question. Facebook expects 2 questions.

Microsoft yegeme OP Jan 13, 2020

In 30 minutes?

Microsoft yegeme OP Jan 13, 2020

And optimal solution for both?

Docker Jan2 Jan 13, 2020

Don’t worry, be happy

Microsoft yegeme OP Jan 13, 2020

Lol you’re nice. Yeah fuck em man. They want leetcode robots and not someone who can come up with solutions by self

Microsoft blindsta Apr 26, 2020


Google Drunk 🥴 Jan 13, 2020

You need to solve it in O(1) dude

Microsoft yegeme OP Jan 13, 2020

Alright can’t even parse the input. Alright. Alright. Alright.

SS&C bDSI53 Jan 13, 2020

Yes they expect 2 Q's to be completed in the 45 min interview ! The second one needs to be at least correct in approach and coded to some extent (the interviewer should be convinced it'll work if completed)

Microsoft yegeme OP Jan 13, 2020

Really that’s a lot

SS&C bDSI53 Jan 13, 2020

I had the first one working and got the second one almost working with some help/push from the interviewer and I still got a reject ! This was for a software engg position. It's been a really bad start to the year (I just flunked a Microsoft on site last week) ! Hope the year gets better :(

AllianceBernstein Coding=$$$ Jan 13, 2020

Yea they expect you to solve 2 mediums in 30-40 min.

Google 6Feet6Inch Jan 13, 2020

Cheer up. Apply to Google. We expect only 1 question to be solved in 45 mins :) if you’re quick it will just be an extension of the original question which can be solved in 5-10 mins.

Microsoft yegeme OP Jan 13, 2020

Have an onsite in a couple of weeks. Was trying to line up offers for google.

Google 6Feet6Inch Jan 13, 2020

Best of luck! Not everything is in our hands. We can only do best with what we have and only control some things.