Hardware IndustryDec 17, 2019

Female growth in the hardware industry

All the females out there. How has your journey in the hardware industry been? I have 5 yrs of experience in the industry and feel so stuck. How did you all grow? What should I be doing today to have a better tomorrow? @intel @nvidia @amd @facebook @broadcom @apple

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Microsoft 37'627#8'3 Dec 17, 2019

How is female growth different than male growth?

Microsoft QxrV16 Dec 18, 2019

It's very different. There's a lack of female role model in tech in general - if you are a male, you have a male manager/skip level who you could probably just follow the same path. For female, they usually will get more responsibilities balancing between family and work. I see a lot of my female coworker who have to prove themselves especially when they got pregnant. I can hardly imagine carrying a baby for 9 months and worry about having a gap on the team impact for maternity leave. Obviously both male and female growth are important but I personally think it's very different path.

NVIDIA hw2020 Dec 19, 2019

I am in the same boat. Looking to make impact in current team. Build bridges with experienced individuals within organization. I acknowledge that lack of role models is a demotivator when one is relatively new to the industry. Biggest piece of advice I have received from some female industry old timers is to be aggressive in asking for challenging tasks ( which is supposedly something females are not known to be doing ) and deliver.

Xilinx stblgneus Dec 21, 2019

I got lucky with a female manager early in my career who really helped

Intel XvHe41 OP Dec 21, 2019

Helped how ?

Intel XvHe41 OP Dec 21, 2019

I have seen female managers not helpful in anything .

Dell AcGS15 Dec 25, 2019

I am a manager. And yes it is hard growing your career even if you are the most experienced person in the room. There is no clear blueprint. My advice own your career development, dont leave it to your manager to take care of you. Take stretch projects and roles within in your team and outside. Also, sometimes the eaisest promotions is outside your company.