Tech IndustryOct 30, 2019
Capgemini gtfobuddy

Fitbit Google Aquisition - Organizational Changes

How is this aquisition going to impact Fitbit employees? Positively or negativily. Are you excited or anxious on what would be the new changes bought in as part of the aquisition. Hail Wear OS.

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Intuit whkX70 Oct 30, 2019

I checked with a friend who works for Fitbit and he has no clue about this potential acquisition.. not sure how real is it

Capgemini gtfobuddy OP Oct 30, 2019

It is real for sure. Engineering team is behind on those updates.

Fitbit Xf7De4 Oct 30, 2019

In what universe would you know that? It’s clear there’s an offer from Alphabet, that’s all.

Fitbit fy68hvdtk Oct 30, 2019

No deal has been announced, let alone details of an acquisition and its impact to employees. All most of us know (including me) is the one Reuters article about an offer and our stock price.

Boeing ttahee Oct 30, 2019

If it goes through are you guys excited about being Google employees or do you prefer the Fitbit environment.

Fitbit Xf7De4 Oct 30, 2019

It’s Alphabet according to the rumor, not Google. If it were Google, we’d have to interview like anyone else. No free lunch (except for the stock boost lol)

Clover Health barnstormr Oct 30, 2019

Wow - google wants that data!

ChEx80 Oct 30, 2019

I used to work there, talked to many people in Eng. Nobody really knows anything.