Misc.Dec 21, 2019

Folders vs tags

I’m playing at a side project to bookmark documents/links to later build wikis and technical guides. Audience is technical folks at work but ideally it will be simple for marketing too. Folders are just like your heirarchical desktop folders. Nested if desired. By tags I’m thinking like how YouTube does playlists (item can be saved to 0, 1, or multiple playlists). Flat. Both would be single-level depth folders with tags used to subcategorize or cross folders. What do you prefer for bookmarks, notes, or whatever you do?

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tc400k OP Dec 21, 2019

Also, what examples do you like from organizational styles in common apps? Like stock Apple notes, Dropbox, YouTube, Evernote, etc.

Amazon yghjikg Dec 21, 2019

hierarchical organization gives one view on data. tags/labels allows more flexible querying

Facebook tAGO84 Dec 21, 2019

hierarchical tags. then you can view each sub tag like you would a folder

tc400k OP Dec 23, 2019

The thing about tags, which are definitely more flexible, is they’re a little trickier to build a sidebar/master list out of. Unless you’re fine with a shitload of lists. Or unless you let tags be nested within tags (which is fine- I actually have this running now). But then the user education piece is bit more uphill. It’s like folders are the least cognitive overhead so they need to be presented as that, but somehow expand to allow things to be in multiple “folders” (because they’re implemented as tags), and also expand to allow nesting of folders. All while this structure progressively reveals itself to the user so as not to overload them with “this can go here and here, and this can do this, etc” when being introduced..