Tech IndustryFeb 4, 2018

From LinkedIn to Google

How hard is it to make a move from LinkedIn (Senior) to Google (L5)? Does it make a difference to wait until Staff promotion in LinkedIn before applying to Google? Current total compensation is $300k per annum. How much is reasonable to expect from Google assuming a positive interview? [asking for a friend 👩‍💻]

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Splunk DesiChan Feb 4, 2018

This asking for a friend need to stop.

LinkedIn foogler OP Feb 4, 2018

😂 I am my best friend, if that helps.

Amazon kyun Feb 4, 2018

They say “marry your best friend” 😛

InKarna Feb 4, 2018

They usually down level you. LinkedIn Senior bar is lower.

LinkedIn foogler OP Feb 4, 2018

So L4? Or L3?

LinkedIn foogler OP Feb 4, 2018

I agree with the varying aspect.

Uber sbx Feb 4, 2018

Linkedin has serious title bloat and L4 at Google will be a great outcome, and more realistic.

LinkedIn foogler OP Feb 4, 2018

Totally agree. But it’s not everybody. I know Senior engineers who are really good, and also know Staff engineers who are mediocre.

Google relus Feb 4, 2018

This. Based on multiple data points from my ex colleagues in Microsoft, it was easier to get LinkedIn offer as staff engineer than Google T5. For LinkedIn senior T4 should be the realistic goal.

SAP LeetGod Feb 4, 2018

How many years of exp do you have?

LinkedIn foogler OP Feb 4, 2018


Twitter yp Feb 4, 2018

Most likely level 4

LinkedIn Chickendnr Feb 4, 2018

Tell your friend not to expect much raise at all.

LinkedIn foogler OP Feb 4, 2018

Ok I’ll let him know 😂

Microsoft Xjkahzh Feb 4, 2018

What does it take to get L7 or L8 at Google?

LinkedIn Tada! Feb 4, 2018

I was in the same boat with the same tc as you. They originally put me in L4 but I negotiated and since I had enough years and did good in my interviews they bumped it up to L5 with TC 372k. I negotiated hard and pressed on them using FB counter-offer though.

LinkedIn foogler OP Feb 4, 2018

Good to hear! 👏👏👏 Did you accept the offer in the end? Also, any tips you can share re: negotiating a higher level?

Google lena33 Feb 4, 2018

Facebook offer works like a charm to Google. My husband with the same experience, education got l5 and salary much higher than me ONLY because of FB:)

Amazon RlhD42 Feb 4, 2018

LinkedIn senior is one level above new grad’s entry level right? Isn’t that exactly equal to google T4?

LinkedIn Tada! Feb 5, 2018


Amazon RlhD42 Feb 5, 2018

So... if google gives op T4 it’s not downleveling op right?

YABl21 Feb 5, 2018
