Tech IndustryMay 13, 2018

Getting PhD while working at a tier-1 company

I haven't finished my PhD (machine learning) in a good university before relocating to US. How can I get PhD here while working at Google/Facebook/Microsoft? I really liked what Andrej Karpathy was doing. He worked on his PhD exclusively, but I think PhD really helped him in the long run. I have a family and I need to sustain my income.

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Microsoft msboy May 13, 2018

Why would you want to do that?? Doing both well is not feasible. Decide what's more important to you. PhD very overrated I work with many phds and they are no better than people with Bachelors

Microsoft JDwb49 OP May 13, 2018

Some positions state that they require PhD and publication at major confs. I also want to do more research and less infra. I feel like PhD can open way for more interesting jobs. Unfortunately, how others view you is more important for success than what you really are.

Microsoft exsoftie May 13, 2018

Depends on how far you are with your PhD, I would say. I took one year break from PhD when I joined Microsoft and later switched to part time study. It was very difficult for me to find time for PhD while climbing up the ladder at the same time but I eventually finished it. Looking back, I wouldn’t have done the PhD at all. The time and effort it takes is just not worth whatever doors it opens IMO.

yütüb May 13, 2018

Honestly, Karpathy was not a rockstar academic, but had very visible output in terms of {teaching, writing, press}. You can do two of those at least if you’re in industry. Why the google tag?

Microsoft GRoq74 May 13, 2018

I was a few months away from completing my PhD before joining Microsoft. My boss was very accommodating while I was completing my thesis, but working essentially two jobs takes a serious toll on you. I succeeded in finishing but I would not recommend this to others.

Google csd11 May 29, 2018

Almost impossible to have a fruitful Ph.D at reputable schools while keeping your full-time work. Also companies are seeking not a Ph.d but the ones who are the few experts in a subatea. And it takes great time and effort to become such an expert.