
Getting a job as a data scientist

I am already working as a data scientist. But I am working on rudimentary problems. What should I do to get a job in data science and solve interesting problems. At present I come home and study. What will it take for companies like Amazon, eBay etc to notice me.

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Google Hastuyoko Apr 29, 2018

Whatโ€™s your education

udxH13 OP Apr 29, 2018

Masters in Data Science

eBay ...๐ŸฅŠ๐Ÿ˜– Apr 30, 2018

Data science isn't education.

Deloitte YSSl84 Apr 30, 2018

I just got a senior research scientist offer at amazon so I would say be very hands on do Kaggle datasets and have some solid projects on GitHub there are many faces to data science know all of the three: coding ML and stats and be a specialist in one of these for example for me stats( glms, baysien etc ) is a speciality

udxH13 OP Apr 30, 2018

Thanks for the suggestion. I am focusing on sequence models. I plan to improve my skills for another 2 months and get some noteworthy projects done.