Misc.Aug 6, 2019

Google Engineering Manager Code Test

Hi All, I posted a similar question for Facebook, but does anyone have any idea of what kind of coding question to expect (i.e. LC East, Medium, Hard?). The role for managing other managers and ICs with a total org of 25-40 people. I'm already furiously scraping off the rust doing LC problems, but some direction would be great. I'm in the process of scheduling the on-site, so I expect I'll have a week or two of practice beforehand. Of course, I'm also pushing to move the process since I expect to receive one or two other offers by end of month. TC: $450k, YOE: 20

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Verizon XobO37 Aug 6, 2019

I am also curious.

Oath puSc85 Aug 6, 2019

Yeah. Why would you not be

Wayfair BScK77 OP Aug 22, 2019

Closing the loop, since I just got my interview agenda. The agenda shows 2x System Design and 3x Management sessions (people, org strategy, technical leadership) so it looks like no coding.

mrpotato Aug 24, 2019

Thanks for the follow up. Did you have a coding section for your phone screen?

Wayfair BScK77 OP Aug 24, 2019

No coding for the screen. That was a 30 minute call with the hiring manager.

Amazon aefcedsaf Sep 28, 2019

Was it the same for Facebook ? I’m on the Site stage as well for a similar Role- if you have any hints would be appreciated.

Wayfair BScK77 OP Sep 28, 2019

FB was an M1 role (G was L7) and did have a coding round, 2 system design, 1 project management, and a management/behaviorial. The coding round was pretty simple and required some basic data structure knowledge and a little cleverness.