Tech IndustryJan 2, 2020

Google Kirkland vs Seattle

Looking for a company switch. Before starting interviews, i was wondering if someone can help me with google Kirkland vs Seattle location comparison and which teams there are doing good? Appreciate any inputs TC- 155k

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Microsoft make 💕 Jan 2, 2020

Pass the interview first lol

Boeing hahahahah1 Jan 2, 2020

Why would you interview before knowing what the potential teams are? You need to know if you're interested first..

Microsoft mr_finch OP Jan 3, 2020

Fair enough, lol. So I wasn't sure if I could interview for WA and then ask for bay area; so thought would check beforehand. Thanks for the practical tip though 😀

Oz Management swusr Jan 2, 2020


Microsoft mr_finch OP Jan 3, 2020


Cisco 🙎🏿‍♂️🍉🍗🚔👩‍👧 Jan 2, 2020

Google isn’t hiring L3 in WA right now lol

Microsoft mr_finch OP Jan 3, 2020

Unrelated, lol but good to know. Thank you!

Amazon ATT89 Jan 2, 2020

The process is you interview for the level first then team match interview later. It doesn't matter where you do your first onsite. If you pass hiring committee then you can talk to recruiter about preferences. Search here to learn what teams are in Kirkland. The question has been asked before.

Microsoft mr_finch OP Jan 3, 2020

I did not know that I could pick location later, that's super useful info; thank you! I did look up but couldn't find any recent Kirkland posts but I guess that can wait now. Thanks, again for your inputs!