Tech IndustryDec 13, 2019

Google Summer 2020 PhD Intern Team Match (USA)

My friend (senior PhD in one of the top schools advised by a famous NLP professor) is looking for PhD intern team match for Summer 2020. In his own words, he works on "Diverse decoding, controlled text generation, paraphrase generation, data augmentation, text style transfer, self-supervised learning." and has multiple A-star conference papers. Please DM me if you have any leads I might pass him on to. Time is slightly important due to Amazon AS intern offer. my TC: 200k yoe: career starting in 8 weeks.

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drop_out? Dec 13, 2019

200 at Oracle?

Oracle wDPc16 OP Dec 13, 2019

Oracle is irrelevant. Long story. I'm starting at FAANGMULA. Don't want to give away specifics becuase my peers are around and the TC is slightly an outlier.