Tech IndustryFeb 19, 2020

Google/FB Interviews

How are they different from Amazon or Microsoft interviews? If you cleared one of these, what do you think clicked? Anyone got in without excessive interview prep?

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Amazon CqhE27 Feb 19, 2020

What role are we talking about? SDE? PM? BIE?

Amazon XAvo06 OP Feb 20, 2020


Facebook mturtle Feb 19, 2020

I passed FB, amzn, and google without prepping. I have worked at AMZN and fb. I never did leetcode problems. They are all the same. Here is some dumb DS/algo problem, solve it. Great now do it three more times. Great, here is an offer.

amadeus314 Feb 20, 2020

Are you a competitive programmer when in school?

Facebook mturtle Feb 20, 2020

I studied cs. I dont know what you mean by competitive programmer