Tech IndustryJan 16, 2020
Microsoft👋 was 🥰

Got into Microsoft after 3 failures AMA

failed 3 times in Microsoft before getting in (4 years ago) , failed FB 3 times already, cleared google HC first attempt (first time even phone screened) AMA

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Qualcomm NqAf57 Jan 16, 2020

What were the question topics that you were asked? Does Microsoft ask DP and crazy graph questions? Also, where are you working? Did Google lowball you?

Microsoft 👋 was 🥰 OP Jan 16, 2020

At that time it was simple question like linked list cycle , boggle board etc - this was between 2011 to 2015 - didn’t leetcode that time - now these are simple problems . Not Going to google as I wanted Fb :( Google they want me to join internal tools / app development - want some backend work , so will stick with MS for now

Qualcomm NqAf57 Jan 16, 2020

What's your level and TC? Are you based in WA?

Microsoft 👋 was 🥰 OP Jan 16, 2020

Yes WA. L64 TC 225k

Facebook saywhat.! Jan 16, 2020

How old are you? What did you learn from all those rejections?

Microsoft 👋 was 🥰 OP Jan 20, 2020

Am 40. Learn that it’s really lot of luck and timing that matters , all we have in our control is preparation so focus on that.

Airbnb fdsrt56 Jan 16, 2020

How did you prepare for Google? How was system design loop? What level did you interview at?

Microsoft 👋 was 🥰 OP Jan 20, 2020

L6 . System design was hard however the solution was simple - I have designed a lot of systems in my lifetime. FB system design 1 was hard and second was simple - actually I failed on the simple one - sometimes simple questions doesn’t mean it’s a cake walk

Indeed rainwater Jan 19, 2020

What do you think was the reason for previous failures at getting into Microsoft?

Microsoft 👋 was 🥰 OP Jan 20, 2020

I think I was too immature and I aggressively tried to get interviewed - I was all across the board , TPM or SWE wasn’t sure - at some point I was getting SDET didn’t take it.

Facebook tedss Jan 22, 2020

You turned down google E6 to stay a msft L64? Makes no sense