Work VisaOct 12, 2017

H4 EAD vs F1 OPT

I am currently on H1B with I140 approved and my wife is in last semester of her Masters on F1. We are confused whether should we take the path of F1 OPT and apply for H1B using three times lottery or go with H4 EAD? Which one do you think is a better option? Can you please advise? Thank you!!

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Microsoft Facts Oct 12, 2017

F1 opt and then h1b H4 ead isn't guaranteed to remain in place.

Google santaclara Oct 12, 2017

Nor is the opt extension.

Microsoft Facts Oct 12, 2017

Exactly why I asked to start with the opt and keep applying for the H-1B visa. It would be ideal, of course, if she ends up getting H-1B on the first try.

Google santaclara Oct 12, 2017

But if you get the h4 ead, you get it for 3 years. But the opt is only for 1 year

iuzS21 Oct 12, 2017

My suggestion would be F1 and opt and then switch to h4 if that doesn't work out. As of today h4 seems on a more shaky ground, with no companies lobbying behind scene to protect it. F1 EAD removal will have colleges lobby and may not go down without a lobby fight. Also, that fight hasn't played out yet, whereas h4 EAD is active in limelight

GE areyou0k? Oct 13, 2017

I would also prefer f1 opt over h4 EAD. If f1 opt does not get converted to h1 due to lottery or any other issues and h4 EAD still remains you can always move.