Misc.Mar 13, 2019

How bad is Tesla as employer?

Dealing with Sales, Delivery and Service Center employees, they all seem to be depressed or disgruntled. How bad it is to work for Tesla?

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Tesla ElonB Mar 13, 2019

Pretty much 0 job security

Tesla VkDJ15 Mar 13, 2019

Depends... are you a masochist?

Microsoft FBisEvil Mar 13, 2019

Do you like to work for a sociopath who has received margin loans on all his stock to the point where he will do anything, including destroying the lives of whistleblowers, swatting, and perpetrating the biggest fake buyout in stock market history to keep the stock price up? If he’ll do that, imagine what he thinks about work life balance. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-03-13/when-elon-musk-tried-to-destroy-tesla-whistleblower-martin-tripp https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/25/opinion/elon-musk-tesla.amp.html

Tesla XDbw83 Mar 14, 2019

Management has no idea what's going on so they blindly fire people by drawing names out a hat, if that's cool with you come join us and see your rsu's go down with every tweet

Tesla NecroDuck Mar 14, 2019

Working for Tesla is like teaching high school. You have to be dedicated to the mission. It's a thankless job and you're underpaid. The company is committed to fossil fuel independence, so that's rewarding.

Microsoft FBisEvil Mar 14, 2019

Maybe that was true before the solar city bailout. Tesla mission now is sustain Elon Musk’s lifestyle.

Tesla gshdidbdb Mar 16, 2019

His lifestyle is pretty much to work every hour of every day, so yes we sustain that...

Tesla EnronScott Mar 14, 2019

The only people Elon keeps around are people who agree with him. If you have any sort of disagreement with him he will fire you.