Tech IndustryOct 21, 2019
Googlecloudy sky

How do you value location?

I’m prospecting a move and trying to reason about priorities, kind of curious how my fellow TC-chasers would process this. Offer from Splunk. No numbers yet but level is expected to be P4 which values from like 260k-320k. Will be talking with recruiter about “expected comp” etc soon. On-site scheduled for FB. Expected level is E5—range is like Splunk’s but slightly higher. On-site scheduled for Amazon. Expected level is L5 which is a full down-level from the other 2 and probably ~$100k less TC. So here’s where it gets interesting. If I make the assholeish assumption I’ll get offers from both of the others, the consideration becomes: FB: highest TC, lowest WLB(?), 2nd-preference location Splunk: second-highest TC, better WLB(?), last-preference location Amazon: lowest level/TC, ...WLB(?), most ideal location, non-Bay and non-Seattle. The Amazon office is exactly where I want to live and there isnt a large tech SWE presence there (Goog has a hardware-only office). But to take Amazon would be a huge TC cut and level cut as well. So, how much do you value your location when making these choices? For reference: 30y/o with gf but no wife or kids. Granted, all numbers are higher than my current non-Bay Goog: TC 160k - Compare career levels across companies - Compare career levels across companies
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Snapchat tahcpansss Oct 21, 2019

If in conflict, choose happiness over TC.

Publicis Sapient LCdebugger Oct 21, 2019

Which gives you best career growth?

Google cloudy sky OP Oct 21, 2019

Good question. I know little about career growth from P4/E5 levels at Splunk/FB. It seems like FB levels quick enough to E5 but many don’t make E6+. At Splunk most of my interviewers were P5-P6+ so growth certainly isn’t impossible. Amazon probably technically “wins” in career growth since I would have the more junior starting point, e.g. I’d have “growth” just to get where I start at the other 2. At least, assuming it doesn’t top out there and then I can’t grow further.

🚹+🚺 = 🚼 Oct 21, 2019

I think both Amazon and Splunk would hurt your resume after Google. I don’t see any other choice but FB here.

Apple banana-man Oct 21, 2019

You don't want to be L5 in Amazon. Worst position. Expected a lot more than L4. Promotion to L6 is hard. Bad WLB and little rewards. No respect at all.

Splunk it’snotme Oct 21, 2019

Don’t count too much on career growth at Splunk

Publicis Sapient LCdebugger Oct 21, 2019

Why do you say that? Is it a culture thing? The company seem to be growing

Splunk it’snotme Oct 22, 2019

The company is growing but management tends to bring external candidates instead of promoting from within. Additionally it is very difficult to switch teams internally. Both of these have been long term issues and complaints at Splunk. And don’t get me started about the company‘s culture! All I can tell you it’s highly political and toxic. We have been having mass exodus for the past month..... especially on the West Coast.

Intuit prelude Oct 22, 2019

Op, the Amazon location description fits San Diego. I'd go to fb .

Publicis Sapient LCdebugger Oct 22, 2019

How is the Engg manager hiring bar at splunk? What should one prep for system design/tech interview