Tech IndustryMay 20, 2019

How long is normal for team matching?

Went through 3 rounds of interviews at American express and got call from hr with an offer. He said I needed to accept the verbal offer for them to proceed with team matching which I did. Now it's been a week and I haven't heard back from them nor seen a written offer. What's the norm in this situation? I have never been through team matching before.

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Fun22Tango May 20, 2019

Did you say Team Matching at American Express? Since when did they start doing this, team matching thing? I wouldn't believe that's even necessary the way they operate on a day-to-day basis.

dkPO65 OP May 20, 2019

I'm new to all of this. Why the hate towards amex?

Chase OFqo26 May 20, 2019

I don’t think they do team matching