Tech IndustryDec 9, 2018

How long to go from SMTS to LMTS and the PMTS at Salesforce?

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Apple applpark Dec 9, 2018

From what I observed going from SMTS to LMTS normally takes something around 2 to 3 years for folks who are reasonably skilled, have good relationship with peers and managers and have done some decent work that has visibility. Of course there are always people who get it faster from being very good at what they do or having excellent people or political skills as well as people who are on bad teams, have bad relationships etc and never grow past SMTS. But in general I’d say that most SMTS at Salesforce who stay long term do eventually make it to LMTS within no more than maybe 4 or 5 years max. PMTS seems like a different story. I’ve seen people who have been LMTS for a really long time like 5+ years and it doesn’t seem like they are actually close to PMTS. I think becoming PMTS depends a lot more on your specific role and contributions, and may never happen for a lot of LMTS. However overall I’m acquainted with a lot more LMTS and SMTS than PMTS so my knowledge of PMTS promotions is more limited and may be wrong.

Salesforce UfMg36 Dec 10, 2018

I have seen folks getting to LMTS within 2 years, but some take longer depending on cloud priorities ( and right team) and your performance. LMTS to PMTS is like a marathon but I have seen folks do it in 2 years. Some people don’t get good enough opportunities so they take longer. Hope this helps.

Salesforce p-on Dec 10, 2018

As long as it fucking takes to learn and execute in the skills required for the level above. This kind of question pisses me off. I don’t understand the point of it. Fucking millennials that expect a promotion bc you’ve been in a role for a certain duration. Ugh. Some millennial SOB asked me for a promotion after two months. TWO months! What the hell? They had just been hired and were barely executing at all let alone at a place to be promoted. Sure, it’s one data point but it seems like the norm. All that aside, it’s hard from SMTS to LMTS and even harder to PMTS. At least 3 b/t S and L and could be 5+ to P.

EjDf82 OP Dec 10, 2018

Relax buddy it is just a question on average. It’s good to have typical timelines on these things so you can know what to expect going into it and prepare yourself.

Salesforce p-on Dec 10, 2018

Nah. I'm good. No need to relax. And thanks for mansplaining. 🙄