How many software devs who can work off site (cloud dev) get to do so? What percentage of time can you work from home?

After migrating to Office365 there seems to be little reason not to be able to telecommute. Everything we do from SharePoint to Azure is accessible off site and our dev team has been moved out of corporate headquarters so we aren't even "in the office", yet we still can't get a work from home policy. We've already lost two fantastic devs because of bad management and a refusal to pay market salaries. You'd think they'd jump at implementing any inventive that could potentially retain employees without spending money. Any ideas how to pitch that to a management team that seems to be stuck in the past?

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Deloitte PVaQ48 Aug 25, 2017

They will have Indian devs within the year. Get your LinkedIn profile updated my friend. Sad but true.

Amazon UJVs78 Aug 25, 2017

That was uncalled for

Microsoft Am1Evil Aug 25, 2017

Why is this uncalled for? Seems reasonable.

Transamerica eggyolkio Aug 25, 2017

Make it a business proposal. There are guides online for developing a wfh pitch. The company has to see the benefit to THEM, not to you, in order for them to come around. My first pitch was met with a stern "no" meeting backed by a legal determination and an HR rep, two years later - I get to work from home 2 days/week. What changed? More people pressuring for this. Be aware of why companies say no - and be ready to counter each with research. But also do devils advocate research. Some companies are doing away with these policies - you should be armed with that info too in case they've done their homework.

Adaptive Biotechnologies YHhp00 Aug 25, 2017

I'd say a good start is talking about how much productivity was lost when those devs left and if you can be concrete that a wfh would have kept them. Then point out that if you get people to be >50% wfh, you can have them share desk space in the office (wfh different days). That saves the company on rent, which can be a big deal depending on location