FitnessJan 7, 2020

How much to spend on personal trainer?

How much have you spent on a personal trainer and how long did you train with a trainer? I'm trying to decide how much is it worth spending on personal training. Any recommendations on what's the best and affordable gym/personal training option in the Redmond/Bellevue area? My goals are fat loss/muscle gain. Currently at body fat 20% #redmond #bellevue #fitness #personaltrainer

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Google Tier 3 Jan 7, 2020

0, just get a friend to go with you

Microsoft EGpl28 OP Jan 7, 2020

Until then

Google Tier 3 Jan 7, 2020

Still 0, there's a ton of info online you can use.

BIvv71 Jan 7, 2020

0. Trainers are mostly useless. They mostly have you do meme stuff. I had a few free training sessions when I joined proclub when I was interning for msft. He was a nice guy and knew what he was doing, but we both understood he was limited help. Your results depend on your own effort. Start lifting regularly but put most of your effort towards cleaning up your diet. Eat at a deficit and make sure you eat at least 100g protein a day.

XBD Jan 7, 2020

If you’re a complete gym newbie and have high tc, a trainer is worth it as you don’t have to learn from scratch

XBD Jan 7, 2020

But spending 5 hours learning basics of nutrition and a starting program is an easy alternative

Microsoft EGpl28 OP Jan 7, 2020

Xbd: Please suggest any tried and tested learning resources, if you know any

Intuit nfsgjjmse Jan 7, 2020

About 2.5k a year

Amazon el oh el Jan 7, 2020

0. The internet exists.

Google ChoduKya? Jan 7, 2020

Clearly people mentioning 0 don’t work out. A personal trainer who knows what they’re doing is useful. As you start working out you’ll hit plateaus. Be it muscle gain or weight loss. A skilled personal trainer is very useful. You just don’t drop magically from 20% body fat to 10%. You’ll see a plateau at 14% most likely. Then you need to bulk up before cutting again. Muscle memory is also important. Form is very important. Mind muscle connection too. I would say upto 10k per year is fine. I went from 28% body fat to 11% in 2 years.

Microsoft EGpl28 OP Jan 7, 2020

I've already hit that plateau and I'm not sure if the trainers will be able to help with diet

Google ChoduKya? Jan 7, 2020

What plateau? Muscle gain? Weight loss? What’s your start weight? What’s your current weight? Consider getting a RMR test. It’s 75 bucks. PTs can help a lot with muscle gain.

Google ChoduKya? Jan 7, 2020

Also, is 20% body fat from DEXA scan? I would advise you to go to 18% and then bulk, don’t cut further if you’re skinny fat. It’ll be very difficult to lose fat. You’ll end up burning muscle.

Microsoft EGpl28 OP Jan 7, 2020

I don't think it's DEXA scan. I just measured using the handheld body fat monitor you find in the gyms

Google ChoduKya? Jan 7, 2020

Get a DEXA. Handheld ones are shit

TripAdvisor usjd Jan 7, 2020

$100 per week. Equinox

Smartsheet iio Jan 7, 2020

I’ve really enjoyed Peloton digital for running and strength routines. $12/mo

Stripe CRzk22 Jan 7, 2020

I had a trainer when I was learning the barbell lifts. It was about $600/month for 3 1-hour sessions each week IIRC. Definitely worth it IMO.