CompensationAug 3, 2018

How to make 150K TC in China?

Hi I'm an undergrad student (top 10 usnews uni) studying computer engineering going into software engineering right now. What is the easiest/fastest way to make 150K TC in China? Background: I'm Chinese but I was born in the US, then I moved to China and was raised there. I have US citizenship and nothing else. Additionally, I am extremely confident in both my English and Chinese language skills. Right now I think the only potential short term plan is graduating-> 2 years of work at G/FB/MS/AMZ -> 2 years for M7 MBA -> Going into consulting at Mckinsey/Bain/BCG and getting an international assignment in China. (Obviously this is ideal, but probs wont be easy) Anyone have insight as to if it's possible to work as a software engineer there and make 150K TC without hellish hours whilst only having 2~3 years of experience? Or if there are any other career paths that can lead to the aforementioned result?

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Compass FUPayMe Aug 3, 2018

Work as a software engineer or AI/ML engineer at tencent, Alibaba, or the like.

Autodesk omni Aug 3, 2018

Found a startup. The VC landscape is easier than in the US. It’s getting harder and harder for likes of BCG/McKinsey to get good contracts in China.

Autodesk omni Aug 3, 2018

There’s no way to make 1M rmb in China with software engineering with only 2-3 yoe unless you do things like AI research that’s not replaceable. Or work for a company like alibaba in SV, they let you travel to China a lot. China doesn’t have the talent shortage in software engineering like in the US. Everywhere in the rest of the world don’t pay as much as SV.

United Technologies rohr Aug 3, 2018

Seems like bilingual Mandarin and English would get you that comp even without a computer science degree.

Autodesk omni Aug 3, 2018

Lol no

SAP jujkspsst Aug 3, 2018

You would need over 10 YOE to make that kind of TC in China as a software engineer. And you would also have to accept long working hours

Amazon Rank 1 Aug 3, 2018

Why do you need 150K if you lived in China anyway? The cost of living is pretty low, although it’s probably a lot harder to buy real estate relatively, 150K isn’t enough for that.

SAP jujkspsst Aug 3, 2018

Costs are fairly high in the major cities. Buying real estate is certainly very expensive now, while renting is not so bad though you will pay at least $2500 USD/month to rent a 2 bedroom modern apartment in a central location. You can save money by living in more remote areas but traffic is horrible and subways are very crowded during rush hour. If you have children, the cost of a western education (international private school) is prohibitively expensive

Amazon Rank 1 Aug 3, 2018

Wow it sounds like the OP needs to do what those people who do live in the major cities are doing. They can’t all be management consultants or investment bankers.

Amazon Rank 1 Aug 3, 2018

Are a lot of people property rich but cash poor?

Microsoft tigolbitty Aug 3, 2018

Move to China, and stay there.

Cisco Heyaa Aug 3, 2018

You won't make $150k in China but if you can avoid Shanghai, you'll save a lot more (in dollars) than Americans in bay area

BCG XETo72 Aug 4, 2018

I’m at BCG right now and also born here grew up in China, may I ask why you want to relocate back to China?