Tech IndustryAug 27, 2019

How to quickly become an SDE after working at a startup

I’m currently employed as a data scientist for a startup in life sciences here in Seattle. Primarily I work on AWS architectures/pipelines with Python, using services like s3, ec2, batch, Lambda, etc. not too much data science, but a little here and there. I’ve been here for almost 9 months, have a BS in biomedical engineering, a certificate in data science from a local universities professional development program, and my first two jobs out of school (the startup is my third job) I didn’t stay for longer than a year. Those jobs also weren’t programming intensive at all. I am still a Leetcode newbie, need to learn a LOT about DS&A. The startup is running out of funding and I’m worried that we might not make it to the next round before going belly up in Nov. My questions are: how long would it take to get ready for a job as a SDE/SWE somewhere in Seattle after this experience, given that I don’t have a CS degree, I’m pretty good at Python and AWS, okay at SQL, and I have enough $ saved up to study full time for about 4 months. What would be the best steps to take if the company fails?

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Volvo CaHK02 Aug 27, 2019

With your background, I would probably look at data engineer roles first.

bioinfoDev OP Aug 27, 2019

Valid point: any advice on best places to start learning more abt data eng upon unemployment? It feels like a loosely defined field. Also, how great do you need to be at DS&A for roles like that?

Volvo CaHK02 Aug 27, 2019

No idea where to learn, usually it's on the job. Depends on the place, but people should be more lenient compared to an SWE role.

Volvo CaHK02 Aug 27, 2019

In fact, before the company tanks, talk to your supervisor and see if you can change your title to Data Engineer.

bioinfoDev OP Aug 27, 2019

I’ve discussed something similar with him before, so I’m almost 100% certain.he’s pretty well connected in the start-up scene (particularly in this industry) and has said in the past that he’d help me find a new job if things don’t work out.

Volvo CaHK02 Aug 27, 2019

Good, then.

Amazon newAz Aug 27, 2019

“Pretty good at python and aws” what does this mean? Like design a system on top of aws?

bioinfoDev OP Aug 27, 2019

Pretty much. How to string together a series of AWS services to transform some input data from one form to another. We work a lot on genetics related stuff, so we take some input data of a person’s genes, run it through batch jobs, send intermediary files to s3, do more transformations and data parsing, and the output is data that is clinically usable by a doctor. All strung together bash and Python (boto3) at different stages of the pipeline.

bioinfoDev OP Aug 27, 2019

It’s pretty niche but I feel like the experience might be extensible. I just don’t know how extensible it is, or what other knowledge I need to pick up to get a new job.