AutoNov 3, 2019

How'd you get into autonomous vehicles?

For those of you who work on autonomous vehicles -- how'd you get into it? What was your pathway like? I have a decent interest in getting into it, but I'm not super educated on what my pathway for getting into it would be

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Roku cruella Nov 3, 2019

C++ and chill.

(ง'̀-'́)ง Nov 5, 2019

mastering C++ is probably the best way to get in

Roku cruella Nov 5, 2019

Mastering. lol. Not even Scott Meyers would dare claim mastery of c++

Cisco 🐨 koala Nov 3, 2019

Use door

Roku cruella Nov 3, 2019

Lol. I really did read it like that at first.

Microsoft Tarkus Nov 3, 2019

I just open the door and get in. Sometimes I grab the doorframe for a little support.

Lyft gdhdkf Nov 3, 2019

I work at Lyft L5. Only some specific roles in autonomous domain require autonomy specific skill sets. Most roles are filled by generalists. Practice leetcode well. Know how to build complex systems, not necessarily autonomous and you should be able to get through the design rounds too.

Cruise Automation MaryB. Nov 4, 2019

Kubernetes bruhhhh

(ง'̀-'́)ง Nov 5, 2019

whatever you do, don’t take a udacity crash course and expect to get a gig. i pitty those fools

NVIDIA uLwD81 Nov 17, 2019

I work for Nvidia AV. First thing I'd say is master C++. Having an understanding of ROS would be good but not necessary. You can look into getting into the following major areas: mapping, perception, control, planning and systems. It's not more about how to get into AV it's more about having the right domain knowledge.