Tech IndustryMar 8, 2019

How's is the interviews at Airbnb?

For machine learning engineer positions. And how's the culture? I don't see much complaints about Airbnb here

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Airbnb caudex Mar 8, 2019

For me it was my second hardest interview out of 8 (including Uber, Google, Dropbox, others). Leetcode medium and hard. Google was hardest. I also had to do 3 damn cultural interviews

cjajqjxut Mar 8, 2019

The worst. I decided to not go onsite after two calls. To me the culture of that company is simply staggering. The interviewer barely spoke English in both cases. As soon as I took the phone, without even saying hello I was asked "are you on the coooooderpaaad?". The interviewer then went on to give me the problems, and while I was coding it , he kept giving me unwanted hints for things I was doing. I was using a language that the interviewer never heard about. I had the Brute force solution in 4 minute and finished coding the optimized version (trie bfs) but couldn't run it because some leftover bugs. The interviewer stopped me straight with "out of time" and almost without saying bye hanged up. The other itw was very similar. They just want coding monkeys that write leetcode. I decided to not go onsite, terrible company culture from what I Saw

Airbnb caudex Mar 8, 2019

I lost it at “coooderpaaad”

justf-it Mar 8, 2019

Funny , I had exactly the same experience with Airbnb. Terrible Interviews.

Airbnb caudex Mar 8, 2019

The company culture is decent. It felt overwhelming/cultish at first, but it’s always more intense around onboarding. At least it’s positive, for example they have the Open Homes program and encourage volunteering. Also since we make money from bookings, it prevents some bad press that Google and fb have had recently.

Math.sin() Mar 10, 2019

One of the best (if not best) interview experiences I had. Phone rounds were pretty easy for me, on-site was intense but I had a blast talking to my experience interviewer and culture fit rounds are just about having a nice convo with non-tech people.

Salesforce paaaaa Mar 19, 2019

Did you get the offer?

NonCodeSW1 Nov 12, 2019
