Tech IndustryMay 2, 2019

I'm an AWS SA - what's next?

I'm trying to figure out where to go next. I have extensive system design/SA experience with most of my previous career in coding (Java). It seems like going back to coding would require me to leetcode for a couple of months, which I can't envision doing. Also I like interacting with people and other teams so not really looking forward to going back to coding (I do a lot of it for my side projects and it's much more interesting to keeping it that way). What is a meaningful next step for someone like me? Which companies (in NYC or Central/South NJ) value AWS SA experience with a coding background? I need to make $350k at the new job TC: 250 YoE: 15 YoE at AWS: almost 4 L6

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Oscar 🐨koala May 2, 2019

Arcitect/cloud director at fortune 500

Northrop Grumman HowCouldYu May 2, 2019

Sales Engineering? I would just LeetCode

Chase McJU43 May 2, 2019

None of your clients work interests you?

Amazon LookingNow OP May 2, 2019

It's tricky... Have to be very careful when talking to clients

Bezos Bro May 2, 2019

The AWS -SA complimentary (but more senior) roles in Goog or MSFT???

Bezos Bro May 2, 2019

And before u leave, would you guide me a bit on the SA interview process? Gone thru LPs, certs (arch pro), basic computing from networking, security to dev; similar to you, have 15 yrs Java dev experience but stuck too long in old Federal gov tech.

Amazon LookingNow OP May 2, 2019

A lot of these questions are on glassdoor. Just understand how to create available and scalable apps