Tech IndustryFeb 16, 2018

Interested in Facebook Seattle

I’ve seen and heard of a lot of Amazonians in recruiting going to FB in Seattle recently. I myself am interested in learning more about the open/upcoming opportunities for RM M1/M2 level in the Seattle office. Open to conversation, message me.

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pyIW30 Feb 16, 2018

LinkedIn -> fb recruiters -> phone call -> phone screen-> onsite -> done.

Facebook Qnyv15 Feb 16, 2018

You should probably ask yourself why you want to be a manager. FB discourages moving to manager as a career track. Also at FB managers are pretty much glorified HR.

Oath BlondeGold Feb 16, 2018

So they encourage everyone to be IC. How will people become CEOs in future?

Amazon E2d3! OP Feb 16, 2018

I’m already in higher level management.

Amazon E2d3! OP Feb 16, 2018

I know their process. It’s more the limited opportunities at Mgmt level. My experience is sort of in between how they classify M1/M2. Get me on the phone and on-site and im confident it will be a good match...getting the chance is the hard part. Hense the call out here