Tech IndustryJul 31, 2018

Interview etiquette AWS, GCP, Oracle

I’m interviewing with AWS, GCP, and Oracle Cloud. Is it good or bad behavior to inform each company that you are interviewing specifically with their competitors? Does it help or hurt chances of offer?

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Google Yottabyte Jul 31, 2018

Your recruiter should explicitly ask if it would matter. Don't lead, but answer truthfully when asked.

Microsoft 12ab23xc Jul 31, 2018

I noticed how you didn’t even consider Azure! Any reasons why? I’m genuinely curious.

Microsoft Korvolol Jul 31, 2018

(s)he doesn't like peanuts?

Amazon фoo Aug 1, 2018

he/she doesn’t want to work with a bunch of insecure people who have to ask why they’re not included in lists

Mozilla Bojsiejene OP Jul 31, 2018


Dell lance_klus Jul 31, 2018

Are you interviewing for development roles or solutions arthitecture?

Google 🐔block Jul 31, 2018

Not sure why you'd mention that? Who would care? It's an interview, not like you have trade secrets to spill or something..

Amazon KsHy14 Jul 31, 2018

Tell them. That may help expedite the process depending on where you are in interview stage.

Microsoft bolton Jul 31, 2018

Don't lead with it, tell them as appropriate Ie. If you've interviewed with 2 out of 3, and the third continually fucks up your scheduling, telling them (scheduler, recruiter and hiring manager in that order) may help.