Tech IndustryDec 10, 2019

Is any team in google looking for interns?

I’m currently in the host matching stage at Google for Summer 2020 I have offers from Apple, Amazon, Yahoo, etc and have a 3.9 in Berkeley, if it helps. I have primarily web dev backend experience working in startups, but I’m ok working on anything. This is probably a long shot, but I’d definitely appreciate any help! Thank you so much!

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Google .: Dec 10, 2019

If you are in host matching phase, would get matched. No need to get angsty.

ijjj OP Dec 10, 2019

I’m sorry if I sound too desperate, it’s just that I know way too many people personally who got rejected at host matching

Lockheed Martin bakery Dec 10, 2019

I hear interns get rejected if no teams bid on them?

Adobe qGnW61 Dec 10, 2019

Yeah can confirm. My friend got rejected when no one bid on him