Tech IndustryMay 9, 2019

Is it okay to ask for interviewing with another team

Hello everyone, I'm currently interviewing for a full stack role at Cloudflare. I had come across another role which is more aligned to my interests. Would it be okay to ask the recruiter if it is possible to interview me for that role as well? would that be an acceptable thing to ask?

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Cisco acidbase May 9, 2019

Yes, just ask. Better chances of you getting accepted too

Microsoft ok2Bwhite May 9, 2019

It’s good. Typically the recruitment process appreciates this

Ericsson googoog OP May 9, 2019

Wow! Thank you!!

Cloudflare myimouto May 9, 2019

that sounds fine

Ericsson googoog OP May 9, 2019

Thank you!! :)

Nvidia ECTT56 May 9, 2019

Yes, although you may switch recruiters and on the backend they fight it out to the death for you. But it's all a part of the experience...