Tech IndustryJul 9, 2019

JUUL Labs Firmware Engineer Referral

Anybody willing to refer me for a firmware/embedded software role at JUUL?

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VMware yehaaaa Jul 9, 2019

Lol. Like it is such a complex product

Palo Alto Networks CandymanCA OP Jul 9, 2019

I’ve done very simple projects and very very complex ones. And everything in between. They all have their unique challenges.

Microsoft BangTrue! Jul 9, 2019

Keep on helping with the nicotine addiction 👍

Palo Alto Networks CandymanCA OP Jul 9, 2019

Grow a pair. Your FB and GOOG fanboys are complicit too. We now return to your interrupted tv program.

Microsoft BangTrue! Jul 9, 2019

FB and GOOG got nothing on Juul. Cancer, addiction, teen vaping, much nice,

Palo Alto Networks CandymanCA OP Jul 9, 2019

There is no arguing with fools like you . It’s a by product of your liberal CA education. All the best as the state burns 🥵 to the ground. Loser...

Microsoft BangTrue! Jul 9, 2019

Wow such a well thought out response. Clearly Juul material...

Facebook dzntz Jul 9, 2019

lol this is hilarious. Regardless of how you feel about JUUL, pretty clear the OP has high school level critical thinking skills. Probably why he wants to join JUUL.

SAP sushi362 Jul 9, 2019

The incels on their moral high horses is fucking fantastic Didn’t expect anything less than this

Microsoft BangTrue! Jul 9, 2019

Takes one to know one.

Micro Focus Whiskr Jul 9, 2019

If JUUL offered a higher TC than what these FANG guys are making they’d take the offer without second thought. “But JUUL is killing the children!” When’s the last time any of these people donated to charity or bought school supplies to give to something like the Kids In Need Foundation? lmao. Join if you think you’ll be happy working there.

Microsoft BangTrue! Jul 9, 2019

Speak for yourself. I donate to multiple causes and it's not $20.. would I join FAANG .. Yes. Would I join a company that literally kills it's biggest customers? F@ck No!

Micro Focus Whiskr Jul 10, 2019

Does it really kill its customers? Got a citation for that? Even smoking cigarettes doesn’t directly cause cancer although it does increase the risk, in addition to your family history of cancers, living environment, diet, etc. I’m genuinely asking because a lot of people claim juul causes people to die but I haven’t seen any research to back this up. Although to be fair ecigs are fairly new and it’s too early to tell what the side affects (if any) are.

Genentech Raxe Jul 27, 2019

DM me - I currently work at JUUL

Amazon tdubya Aug 14, 2019

Hey if you are not tied to the Bay are and interested in an embedded role I have openings in Seattle within PrimeAir to build the Drones