Hardware IndustryDec 27, 2019

Job Satisfaction

Design Verif for 3 years. I sometimes find it to be extremely tedious with no real impact. i wonder how everybody keeps themselves motivated. I want to improve my overall skills year after year but the feeling of not making meaningful impact makes me wander for other options. Am I alone in this boat?

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Microsoft etgX88 Dec 27, 2019

My $.02 you need to find what drives you. May sound a little cliche, but true. Year 3 : same stuff. Year 5 : if you move to New company same questions if not, then : I am comfortable don't wanna move. And so on.... Keeps going. From my experience I have found the hard way that life is more than just work. Participate in after hours work clubs, invest in diy things, pickup a hobby. Work for yourself not for your your work. Nearing 10 years comp and life wise everybody averages out.

Synopsys 0beef Jan 6, 2020

You are ....everyone is. It just seems insignificant at the start of your career. Keep doing what you are doing or come to EDA and then realize you were better off

NVIDIA mangoppl OP Jan 6, 2020

What is your point? Don’t look for job satisfaction? Be happy because I am at better position than some people?