Tech IndustryAug 28, 2019

Leave EE for Tech??

Currently working in the Automotive industry in the Midwest as an EE. Have been getting really frustrated and disilusioned with the field every now and then, definitely enough to know that I am not happy where I’m at. Go on job sites for some ideas and it just seems like tech/swe is so hot and everywhere. Decent EE jobs are far and few between in comparison! Go on YouTube and see so many people (without degrees even) getting into tech and making bank in short amounts of time! (Primarily with web dev) Go on Blind and get obsessed with TC, and TC optimization and making a career changes.. TL;DR - is it a good idea to leave EE and just dive into tech/swe while I still have a chance? Is the job market too saturated for someone like me? Age: 28 YOE: ~5 “Software Experience:” C, basic web dev, VBS TC: Blind*Midwest_Adj_Coeff

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kkeeshx Aug 28, 2019

I am EE that went into tech and best decision I ever made.

kkeeshx Aug 28, 2019

Of course. I was EE undergrad and focused on embedded. I have been working in software and security related roles since. I got a CS masters to add to my software skills but still work with C, C++ mostly. I make almost exactly double what all of my EE peers make that didn’t go into software.

Snapchat gqkO66 Aug 28, 2019

EEs are fungible in a way SWEs are not. Once the chips are tested and made, EEs can be laid off. Try that with SWEs and even the most successful companies wither. See ibm

Microsoft Xi JinPing Aug 28, 2019

“Tech” hires EE’s