Tech IndustryMay 21, 2019

Leetcode Premium

I have about two weeks of prep left before starting interviews. Would anyone be willing to rent their Leetcode premium account for $20 a month? I would only work on the locked premium questions, as I have my main account for the others. There has to be someone out there who recently got an offer and has their Leetcode premium just sitting there :) I can also hook you up with grokking the system design interview. Edit: I bought leetcode for a month :/

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Facebook ⭕w⭕ May 21, 2019

Stop being such a cheapskate and just buy a month.

harrypoopr OP May 21, 2019

I would rather pay a person than greedy leetcode. It’s a win win.

cdPp78 May 21, 2019

How is leetcode greedy? There's interview prep schools charging 15% of ur salary or $10000+ but you think leetcode is greedy? Might as well stick to geeksforgeeks

Google dCyj41 May 21, 2019

We are talking about 100k differences in salary based on interview performance. Are you really not willing to invest 30$ before investing so much time for such high stakes? Strong no higher, fails to see the bigger picture.

harrypoopr OP May 21, 2019

If you read my post, you will see that I offered $. Like I said before, I would rather pay a person than greedy Leetcode. The person gets some of their investment back and I get discounted access to Leetcode - win-win. There's no reason Leetcode should cost more than a video streaming subscription. They have tiny operational costs.

Yandex LaskoviyMishka May 21, 2019

You can find almost all premium questions on for free.

harrypoopr OP May 21, 2019

I am aware. I like being able to stay inside Leetcode though.

Microsoft bqXj02 May 21, 2019

Pay for it then

VMware dareVM May 21, 2019

Super miser

harrypoopr OP May 21, 2019

Come at me, bro. I’m 90 lbs wet, but you don’t want the business side of my broom.

Credit Karma Oaxg376 May 21, 2019

Pay it up you cheap ass

harrypoopr OP May 21, 2019

My credit doesn't have enough Karma ;)

Credit Karma Oaxg376 May 21, 2019

Use debit then

Pandora ‘a’!? May 21, 2019

I can send you my credentials for sure. DM me for it. You pay first. I recently bought it for a month for my onsite and cancelled it in two days but it’s valid until end of the offering period

harrypoopr OP May 21, 2019

Thanks! Just sent you a pm.

harrypoopr OP May 21, 2019

User only had two weeks left of premium unfortunately. Would appreciate if someone who has at least a month left pmed me.