Tech IndustryFeb 21, 2020

Leetcode contest rating and passing FAANG interviews

Hi all, A LeetCode contest rating seems like a good performance indicator how one did with LeetCode contests over time. What would be a recommended target contest rating to achieve, which would give confidence that one can crack FANG interviews? Of course, an interview is not just about coding, but I'm asking specfically about an interviewee's capability to solve a coding problem during an interview. Thank you for reading.

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phatfire OP Feb 21, 2020

I just copied this dude’s question from here lmao No answers and I was curious about responses so posted it on here

newcoder11 Feb 21, 2020

Honestly I think the correlation is very mild for example I’m around 2000 rating and I’ve failed 3/5 faang interviews. But I guess back then when I did it last year I was much lower so who knows.

phatfire OP Feb 21, 2020

Passing 2/5 is solid. So basically at 2k you have what it takes.

newcoder11 Feb 21, 2020

Oops sorry lemme rephrase my bad. I interviewed at 3 of them and failed all 3 last year XD went onsite pretty easily but messed up onsite on all 3 :/