Tech IndustryApr 29, 2019
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Leetcode video recommendations

As I try some questions, I am unable to understand the algorithm/approach, so I try to look up a video on YouTube for that question. This gives me an overview of the approach which helps me understand the solutions that other people have posted and also help me develop my own code. I see a lot of Chinese leetcode videos but many of them are in the native language and others are difficult to understand due to accent. Does anyone have other suggestions for leetcode videos?

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IMS Health swap4310 Apr 29, 2019

You can refer videos of indian guys over YouTube. I know there are not many leetcode videos but you can find some and my favorite is geeksforgeeks website. Have a look at it as well.

return [ ] OP Apr 29, 2019

I don't see many Indian guys video channels for LC. They are all scattered pieces. But I see Chinese channels, which have over 500 solved LC questions. I thought maybe I can get something similar. I'll check out g4g. Thanks.

vvpython Apr 29, 2019

I used paid account as they offer videos on algorithms as well. On the top of it, it's made by someone from Google. You can try it out. Else Tushar Roy / backtobackswe channel for videos on youtube.

return [ ] OP Apr 29, 2019

Thanks. Is algoexpert worth the price? I know it's not much but still wanted to get an opinion.

vvpython Apr 29, 2019

Pro - Yes it's worth it, you'll learn a lot. Cons - Not much question (50)

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return [ ] OP Apr 29, 2019


return [ ] OP Apr 29, 2019

Stop editing your comments after reading my reply, you cheat πŸ˜‚

Facebook β­•wβ­• Apr 29, 2019

let's be honest here: you're just being lazy. You're not spending quality time studying the algorithms or solution implementations deeply enough, getting frustrated by your inability to focus, and trying to find an easy way out. You'd rather lazily watch a video lecture covering a chapter from CLRS and feel accomplished doing that, but compared to the other guy who read through it and completed all of the exercises, your shallow learning will cause you to forget the material after a couple of weeks (if that).

return [ ] OP Apr 29, 2019

πŸ™ Videos save time. It's easier to watch a video to understand the algorithm than reading a chapter from a book to get the same level of understanding.

Facebook β­•wβ­• Apr 29, 2019

Indeed, it's easier to watch someone solve a problem for you instead of struggling with it yourself. But it's within the struggling and the turmoil where you are really learning the material. I would say watching a video lazily on a material versus reading a chapter on same material are similar in that both are bad unless it's supplemented with solving exercise problems to challenge your understanding.

hustler. Apr 29, 2019

Link to my channel, Plan to do a lot more soon. Cleared 2 FAANG recently. Also, play them in 1.5X speed to save your time.

IMS Health swap4310 Apr 29, 2019

Nice. Thanks for letting us know. Looking forward for more videos.

mangomango Apr 29, 2019

Back to Back SWE, you will not regret

return [ ] OP Apr 29, 2019


HPE NotTodayyy May 28, 2020

I recently started following this guy.. Leetcode solutions - Keep Learning Everyday He solves mainly FAANG related problems. Another guy by name Kevin is also good.