LayoffsDec 30, 2019

Let go from Intuit - I didn't read signals properly

Apology for venting here. I was let go from Intuit a while ago. It came as a big shock and I was least expecting it. I got strong rating in the performance (annual) review. I was always told I am a key talent, now I don't even know what it means. My manager never gave me any hint, only to tell one fine day just before the holiday season that my services are no longer needed. When I asked why, I was told due to fit with culture. It was very brief, felt like conversation lasting just 3-4 minutes. I tried asking for examples but HR interjected that decision has been made and that's that. The manager left immediately and I was asked to pack my stuff. I couldn't understand what was happening. I have been seriously introspecting every conversation I had with everyone at Intuit to figure out what did I do wrong to be let go. I am rehashing every conversation with my manager, every senior leader at the company, my former team etc. to learn where I dropped the ball. I couldn't understand how getting 100% bonus, strong rating and all that I was let go without further warning. Holiday season is a terrible time to be in this situation. While I have a supportive family, deep inside I feel terrible that I have failed them. What's happened, has happened and can't be undone. I will just focus on whatever I can learn from this so that it doesn't happen again. I feel like a noob for not being able to read signals properly. PM, TC 175K, 5 YOE

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CakeEater Dec 30, 2019

Trust no one

Oracle Open24hrs Dec 30, 2019

This seems strange. There must be more to this story. Or you maybe one of those functional but highly unlikable employees.

Bvdn54 OP Dec 30, 2019

Thanks for your note. Seen from afar, I feel the same. I am not claiming I have done no wrong, I am seeking to learn what did I do wrong so that I can improve. I have reached out to former colleagues to learn where I dropped the ball. Just shocked that it came as surprise, and disappointed for not being smart enough to read signals.

LaHaMa Mar 11, 2020

Did you ever find out what happened?

ClubCorp jon__ Dec 30, 2019

Something similar happened to me a few years ago. Let go without warning, performance review was not poor, no PIP etc. Said it wasnt a culture fit. ...less than 3-4mo later they were bought out and restructured. Coincidence? I think not. Was one of the more highly paid ones at my level. I see what they did there. 🤔 Either way it is what it is. No point in dwelling, you'll never get to the bottom of it. Just move on.

fvkjSk Dec 30, 2019

Sorry. It could be many things including other employees complains, manager not liking you ... The best thing is not to waste your time trying to find out. Start doing LC and try to get a better job

Facebook bytect Dec 30, 2019

Yep. I originally worked at a startup, got let go for “culture fit” reasons. Tbh it was a pretty toxic culture. One month of full-time leetcoding later, I aced my FB interview and I’m doing great here so far. Sometimes these things are a blessing in disguise.

fvkjSk Dec 30, 2019

This also a lesson for others asking it is okay to leave their current employer out of loyalty. Companies don't have a soul

LinkedIn randomking Dec 30, 2019

Thanks for sharing. Intuit seems like a shit-hole to work for then. Let’s take notes everyone

Intuit intushit Dec 30, 2019

It really is. Stay far away.

LinkedIn randomking Dec 31, 2019

I have great credentials and experience from top companies. They never got back to me when I applied. I am glad they didn’t. Seem like a bunch of fuck heads. I have seen their head of DS give a talk. Low level BS

Intuit awwwwww Dec 30, 2019

Sorry. Never heard about such things. Which group it was?

PwC wasssup Dec 30, 2019

Wow, thought Intuit was actually one of the good ones. Gotta rethink I guess

Amazon zUfM46 Dec 31, 2019

I completely understand how you feel. It’s aweful feeling and there are no good answers you would find here. Key is to take some time to heal and move on to next role. I am sure you would find better paying role. Keep your hips high.

Northrop Grumman sekiro12 Jan 2, 2020

Hips... I think it's head held high fyi

Juniper print(‘f’) Dec 31, 2019

Internal politics, someone in management dint like your face. Get referrals and fetch the new job.