Tech IndustryJan 17, 2020

Levelling: interview performance vs YOE vs previous company level

After clearing an interview, Do companies level an incoming candidate based on their previous company level or on their interview performance. Or is levelling based on YOE

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Tesla ๐Ÿ‰โ›ˆ Jan 18, 2020

YOE and previous level can help recruiter determine which loop to put you on. But whether you get downleveled or not depends on interview performance.

Amazon Dkwe51 OP Jan 18, 2020

Is up-levelling a possibility?

Oracle vAPF84 Jan 18, 2020

It does happen but very unlikely, if you do well they ask you for additional interview in a higher loop.

Microsoft Redmond_ Jan 18, 2020

Combination of past projects & YOE to determine level for the interview, and then interview performance to determine level they'd hire you.

Lyft Daav60 Jan 18, 2020

But specifically, what matters the most for determining your level in the interview? I donโ€™t think you can tell the difference in the Leetcode round. Lower levels might even do better.

Facebook hblk Jan 18, 2020

Before interview: YOE, your current level and your current company brand; In the interview: project experience and system design; after interview: if you have a competing offer in a comparable company with higher level, you might be able to get your level bumped depending on how desperate they want you.