Looking for a role in Machine Learning or as a Data Scientist.

Hi, I am working as an intern and looking for a new role in Machine Learning or data science. I an very much passionate about this field and always take out time to study about it. The problem is, because I do not have a PhD, the opportunities are limited. Can someone help me which companies to target and where to look for? Thanks

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Chase ashana385 Jul 26, 2017

I heard Airbnb has a great program to help with internal learning instead of looking outside for phds

ServiceNow UqBe81 OP Jul 26, 2017

Do you know how to get into that?

Chase ashana385 Jul 26, 2017

nope sorry just heard they are working towards that

Uber GMie27 Jul 26, 2017

For ML Engineer, PhD is not required. But you need to have some experience with large-scale data system, either computing or storage .

ServiceNow UqBe81 OP Jul 26, 2017

I have some experience, I have learnt to manage data during my internship and also through projects in my university.

Uber GMie27 Jul 26, 2017

Could you name some technologies you learnt? And how deep do you understand these technologies?

zekA76 Jul 26, 2017

I heard rumor that Optum health in MN was hiring more than 50 data scientists over the next year.

ServiceNow UqBe81 OP Jul 27, 2017

Thanks.. will look for it

General Mills k84Lrt0 Dec 1, 2017

Yes Optum has a ton of DS positions opening up. It’s good to get involved in the local meetup scene where you can meet others who already work there. I️ also saw that Capital One in NY has close to 40 positions open (all with varying levels of seniority).

Humana Fyqm48 Jul 27, 2017

I just saw a job with Humana for this exact thing!

ServiceNow UqBe81 OP Jul 27, 2017

Can you recommend me there?

Humana Fyqm48 Jul 27, 2017

there's no spot in the online application for a recommendation, but since it's such a specific niche with lots of technical requirements, you shouldn't have tons of competition.