Tech IndustryDec 14, 2019

Looking for referral at Reddit

Hi! I'm a Third Year Undergrad with a strong hold in Data Structures and Algorithms along with relevant experiences in the field of Computer vision and deep learning. Was looking for referrals to join as an intern in the SWE team of Reddit. Any referrals would be greatly appreciated!

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UGAg5 Dec 14, 2019

I think you should describe/show your experience. The first part about having strong hold etc is bullshit and can be used by everyone. It does not add any value. Imagine reading this on a resume versus reading about an RA experience for a computer vision project for 2 semesters. I think everyone would prefer the second.

drop_out? Dec 14, 2019

Calm down, if you can’t offer him any help fuck off, those who can will and can ask him.

UGAg5 Dec 14, 2019

I guess the tone got lost in the text. It was a genuine suggestion.

Microsoft MonadNomad Dec 14, 2019

Everything I've seen about Reddit engineering seems like it's a shit show running like it's a startup still. Why reddit?

Apple Everybody Dec 14, 2019

Because I’ve heard of Reddit!

Google ApplePengu Dec 14, 2019

Reddit pays peanuts