Tech IndustryOct 12, 2019

Machine learning teams at Bloomberg

Heard the major ML/NLP forces at Bloomberg is News/AI teams. I’m wondering for the huge financial analytics teams(portfolio, MARS, derivatives, pricing, mortgage, blabla), they would deal quite lot with math/quant, so do they also invest in ML/NLP? Anyway any recommendation of other ML/NLP teams (in addition to News/AI)? Thanks.

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Bloomberg grOY05 Oct 12, 2019

The major ML/NLP forces in Bloomberg are News, BLAW, ADSK and Global Data.

Google yummyfoodi OP Oct 13, 2019

Thanks! What about quant team? Can software engineer join the quant team? Even global Data?

Bloomberg grOY05 Oct 14, 2019

Yes you can. But usually people want to go the othet way around, since Engineering is were the hype is.

Bloomberg char v[11] Oct 12, 2019

Bbg has been playing with ML for a while now. Oldest repo I found dates from ~2010 and they use it for triaj and infosec in addition to what you mentioned. Blaw also works on a lot of ML. But the question.. why take a pay cut to come here? I thought everyone hated this company?

Bloomberg grOY05 Oct 12, 2019

Triaj? You mean routing, right?

Bloomberg char v[11] Oct 12, 2019

Not BAS, tickets/ADSK & customer support, and then robo escalation from infra (WP phone calls)

Bloomberg TimeToPlay Oct 12, 2019


Capgemini UGsl37 Oct 16, 2019

How should one prepare for Bloomberg phone interview? Are the questions as difficult as asked by FAANG? Does solving problems from leetcode help? Any other tips / tricks?

Bloomberg jstarmax May 7, 2022

I got variations of LC tagged. With follow-ups that modified the initial question.