HousingMay 6, 2018

Manufactured homes, worth buying?

Going to move to Bay. Looking for buying a home there. Found some really cheap manufactured homes in San Jose, like 300k for 1600sqft. How come they are so much cheaper than other homes? Are they like super crappy or what?

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Amazon Moving? May 6, 2018

Are you sure that’s not the price for just the building and not the land? Sometimes they charge that much just for the construction but you have to supply the plot.

Amazon rufus2.0 OP May 6, 2018

They're not new homes. So the price must include the building itself, right? I have no idea about manufactured home.

Google NewChar May 6, 2018

These are a polite term for “trailer” or mobile homes... which are not looked well upon in US. If your ok with that then terrific vLue

Amazon rufus2.0 OP May 6, 2018

It look pretty much like a normal house, definitely not a trailer. The list does mention about the lot rent though.

Nvidia qwerk May 6, 2018

Many trailer homes here don’t look like trailers.

YapStone ninjaboy May 6, 2018

U still dont own the land..u have to pay rent for the land

Microsoft Gs4478 May 6, 2018


Microsoft 🔪 k May 6, 2018

Mobile home itself is 80k new. For 300k you buy whatever residual value of the house, plus the right to pay rent for the plot. This is a terrible deal.

Microsoft @russia.co May 6, 2018

My mobile home was 42,000 brand new 4 bedroom. Man Californias overpay for everything.

Lyft 6iaf90 May 6, 2018

I looked at the same houses, lamplighter hood near 237. The monthly space rent and HOA fees add up to roughly 3/4 of the rent on a similar house. You pay 300k for a long term rent discount.

SK hynix RTL freeze May 6, 2018

You own the building and rent the lot, and they are in bad shool district.

PayPal SpaceBot May 6, 2018

Don’t do it.

Proofpoint rix May 6, 2018

They are ripping down the parks all over. They will give you a fraction of the value and boot you with nowhere to go