Tech IndustryNov 12, 2019

Oracle OCI phone screen prep

Hello, I have a phone screen coming up at OCI and was wondering if someone can give me pointers about what I should focus on in terms of preparation. I am very nervous as I haven't given any interview in last 10+ years. I am doing LC easy/ medium and some system design from YouTube. TC: 190 Years of exp : 13 Location: Seattle

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Amazon kendaljn Nov 12, 2019

OCI still exists?

SAP rmxif765 OP Nov 12, 2019

Lol, it does and recently I have seen some really good offers from OCI.

eBay luminaryy Nov 12, 2019

Apply to Amazon. TC over course of your career there will be much higher. Oracle is extremely stingy once they’ve reeled you in.