PM Interview question - seeking advice

How do you answer this question? If X didn’t exist today and you were launch X from scratch today, how would you build it? (Ie. say X = YouTube) I was asked this recently at a google PM interview. Wasn’t like the normal how would you design or how would you improve, so I was tripped up a bit. How do you recommend I approach this question?

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Microsoft softie102 Oct 7, 2017

Sounds like a normal design question. Start with asking gthe clarifying questions to understand what you need to build, who it's for, etc.

Yelp Pink OP Oct 7, 2017

It’s kind of weird though because we already know what works with YouTube. And suggesting otherwise require a big leap of faith.

Intuit wUVe67 Oct 7, 2017

That’s the job OP. It’s not to stick with “what works”, its to invision the next great thing

Microsoft softie102 Oct 7, 2017

To me it's pretty much the same question as saying design a video sharing product. Same process.

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Google GOOGL Oct 7, 2017


Microsoft Pussy cat Oct 7, 2017

No one can compete with a Microsoft PM in cracking a PM interview as it involves world-class BS and MS Program manager are masters of BS.

Microsoft UltraTroll Oct 8, 2017

The key is realizing today is different than 2005. How does that change YouTube?

Microsoft Pussy cat Oct 8, 2017

in 2005 it was worth millions now its worth billions.. you a pm?

Microsoft UltraTroll Oct 8, 2017

I don't think you understood

Expedia airwolf Oct 14, 2017

Read some pm interview prep books. Having a framework you can apply for launching a new product is a must.